About Us

General Information

The Lafayette Trail Riders Snowmobile Club is one of the oldest continuously operating snowmobile clubs in New York State. We have been organized since 1969 and incorporated since November 30, 1970. The clubs founding members did an excellent job of setting up our club correctly and very few changes have been made to the bylaws over the years.

We currently take care of 60 miles of trails located in Lafayette, Pompey, Fabius, Delphi and DeRuyter.  Our trails are located within the counties of Onondaga, Cortland and Madison. We have over 120 landowners within these boundaries.

Our grooming fleet consist of three class A groomers, a Tucker SnoCat, a PB260D, and a PB150D.  They all pull Mogul Master drags. Pictures of all of our groomers are here on our website.


The purpose of the Lafayette Trail Riders snowmobile club is to promote safe and proper use of snowmobiles for recreation and commerce in accordance with approved standards of the Educational and Safety Section of the New York State Division of Marine and Recreational Vehicles.


To encourage snowmobile use and development while eliminating any detrimental effect.

To establish well – marked, safe snowmobile trails while avoiding inhabited areas wherever possible. To ensure a good relationship between property owners and snowmobile riders. To obtain permission from all landowners before using their property for a trail. To provide for the mutual assistance, enjoyment and improvement of it’s members, both socially and physically.


To benefit the area in which the club is located. To aid in this objective, the club provides the required safety course prescribed by New York State Division of Marine and Recreational Vehicles for all children between the ages of 10 and 16.

Membership in the club entitles you to participate in our many and varied activities, a monthly newsletter, decals for your sleds and membership in the New York State Snowmobile Association.

Some area merchants even offer discounts to club members. Anyone who rides a snowmobile should support their local club. Without clubs there would be no trails.Meetings of the Lafayette Trail Riders take place on the 2nd Wednesday of each month from Sept thru April, at the Lafayette VFW.
Get involved, get results!